…Hakekat persahabatan itu seperti kesehatan; nilainya baru bisa dirasakan ketika kita kehilangan…
Untuk semua sahabatku, “terima kasih.” Karena telah menjadi perantara-Nya yang membuat diriku tidak merasa sendiri.
A good memory is often seen as something that comes naturally, and bad memory as something that cannot be changed, but actually there is a lot that you can do to improve your memory. However, it does mean taking responsibility and making an effort. Here are the experts top tips:
1) Take an Interest – Make an Effort
We all remember the things we are interested in and forget the ones that bore us. Take an active interest in what you want to remember, and focus on it consciously. One way to ‘make’ yourself more interested is to ask questions-the more the better!!! (see the next text below)
2) Repeat Things
Repeating things is the best way to remember things for a short time, e.g. remembering a phone number for a few seconds. ‘Chunking’ and grouping numbers helps you to remember them, e.g. the following numbers would be impossible for most of us to remember; 1492178919318483. But look at them in ‘chunks’, and it becomes much easier: 1492 1789 1931 8483...isn't it?!
3) Form a Mental Picture
Another way to make something more memorable is to think about something visual associated with it. Form a mental picture, and the stranger the picture the better you will remember it! If an Indonesian person studying English wanted to remember the English word for ayam, ‘chicken’, he/she could associate it with the Indonesian verb ‘menggoreng’ and imagine a picture of someone frying a chicken on a pan.
8) Eat The Right Things
The old saying that ‘eat fish makes your brainy’ may be true after all. Scientists have discovered that the fats found in fish like tuna, sardines and salmon – as well as in olive oil – help to improve the memory. Vitamins C and E (found in fruits like oranges, strawberries and red grapes) and Vitamin B (found in lean meat and green vegetables) are all good ‘brain food’ too.
7. www.karir.com
(a) Apek Demografik :
1. Siapa / (Segmentasi) :
Untuk mahasiswa-mahasiswi
Untuk masyarakat umum
Untuk para pencari kerja (karir)
Untuk Perusahaan yang mencari pegawai / karyawan
2. Usia : (12 s.d 55)
3. Pendapatan : ( 0 s/d tak terhingga )
4. Education : ( smp s/d perguruan tinggi)
5. Gender : (laki-laki & perempuan)
6. www.astaga.com
(a) Apek Demografik :
1. Siapa / (Segmentasi) :
Untuk mahasiswa-mahasiswi
Untuk masyarakat umum
Untuk para pencari kerja (karir)
Untuk mencari pasangan (love match)
Untuk mencari berita dlm bidang sport, ticket box, travel, misteri, layar, music, astrologi, warta, games, hank n babes, iklan baris sms, hidup gaya, mobile dan lain-lain
2. Usia : (12 s.d 55)
3. Pendapatan : ( 0 s/d tak terhingga )
4. Education : ( smp s/d perguruan tinggi)
5. Gender : (laki-laki & perempuan)1. Siapa / (Segmentasi) : (Khususnya bidang perdagangan berjangka)
Untuk mahasiswa-mahasiswi belajar trading
Untuk para trader / broker
Untuk masyarakat umum
Untuk para analis keuangan (financial consultant)
Untuk para investor (Kalangan menengah keatas)
2. Usia : (19 s.d 55)
3. Pendapatan : ( 0 s/d tak terhingga )
4. Education : ( smp s/d perguruan tinggi)
5. Gender : (laki-laki & perempuan)
(b) Aspek pengunjung berkomentar : 3832 orang
Wikipedia adalah ensiklopedia multibahasa dalam jaringan internet yang disusun, diawasi dan didukung oleh Yayasan Wikimedia, sebuah lembaga nirlaba.Keistimewaan Wikipedia adalah selain menyajikan informasi yang biasa ditemui di dalam sebuah ensiklopedia, ia juga memuat artikel-artikel yang biasanya ditemukan di dalam almanak, majalah spesialis, dan topik-topik berita yang masih hangat.
Wikipedia berawal sebagai projek sampingan Nupedia, ensiklopedia bebas online yang artikelnya ditulis oleh para ahli. Larry Sanger, yang mendirikan Nupedia bersama Jimmy Wales, melontarkan ide mengenai ensiklopedia berbasis wiki pada 10 Januari 2001 di milis Nupedia [1]. Lima hari kemudian Wikipedia pun secara resmi diluncurkan.
Berikut ini beberapa karakteristik penting di dalam projek Wikipedia.
Salah satu wacana utama di dalam Wikipedia adalah "perusakan" atau vandalisme; kekonyolan atau menyinggung artikel situs ini. Ada banyak orang yang melakukannya hanya demi mendapatkan pengalaman mengubah halaman internet.
Situs ini merupakan situs resmi F1 yang didalamnya menjelaskan mengenai ajang balap formula1, dimana Di dalam situs ini ditampilkan berita-berita lengkap dan terkini formula1. Selain itu, para pengunjung dapat melihat result balapan dan juga prediksi balapan yang akan datang.
Sasaran dari situs ini adalah para penggemar F1 yang menginginkan informasi mengenai balapan idola mereka. Situs ini dapat dikunjungi kapan saja dan tanpa biaya.
Adapun fasilitas yang bisa didapatkan dari situs ini selain dari pemberitaan mengenai balapan F1 adalah sebagai berikut :
Situs ini merupakan situs yang menyedikan informasi atau berita baik di dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri. Okezone.com merupakan bagian group MNC. Visitors situs ini merupakan orang-orang yang membutuhkan informasi terkini, karena pada situs ini informasi bisa datang tidak dalam hitungan hari tapi dalam hitungan jam bahkan hitungan menit.
Di dalam situs ini terdapat berbagai kategori informasi, seperti Internasional, economy, lifestyle, celebrity, sport, auto, foto, tokoh, politik dan sebagainya. Kategori di atas, dibagi lagi menjadi berbagai sub kategori. Misalnya pada kategori sport dibagi menjadi sebelas katogori, yaitu home, sepakbola, basket, F1, motoGP, tenis, bulu tangkis, tinju, sport lain, foto dan indeks. Begitupun dengan kategori informasi lainnya memiliki sub kategori yang sesuai dengan bidang kategori tersebut.
Apabila visitors menginginkan informasi mengenai rubrik sport, maka visitors tersebut tinggal meng-klik rubrik sport dan klik sub kategorinya. Bagi pengunjung yang membutuhkan informasi dan mengunjungi situs ini, tidak dikenakan biaya.
The Amazon story is emblematic of the e-commerce environment of the past two years : an early period of business vision, inspiration, and experimentation, followed by immense difficulties proving new technologies and new business models. Many e-commerce companies failed during this process, resulting in hundreds of bankruptcy fillings.
In 1994, e-commerce as we know it did not exist. In 2003, businesses are expected to spend over $1 trillion purchasing goods and services from other business on the web (U.S Census Bureau, 2003). From a standing start in 1995, this type of commerce, called electronic commerce or e-commerce, experienced growth rates of well over 100% a year, although the rate has slowed and is now growing at over 30% year. These development have created the first widespread digital electronic marketplaces.
It is important to realize that the rapid growth and change that has occurred in the first eight years of e-commerce represents just the beginning-what we could be called the first thirty seconds of the e-commerce revolution. The twenty first century will barely perceive at this time. It appears likely that e-commerce will eventually impact nearly all commerce, or that most commerce will be e-commerce by the year 2050.
1. Ubiquity
Available just about everywhere, at all times. A unique feature of e-commerce technology.
2. Global Reach
The total number of users or customers an e-commerce business can obtain.
3. Universal Standards
Standards that are shared by all nations around the world.
4. Richness
The complexity and content of a message.
5. Interactivity
Technology that allows for two way communication between merchant and consumer.
6. Information Density
The total amount and quality of information available to all market participants.
7. Personalization/Customization
- Personalization : the targeting of marketing messages to specific individuals by adjusting the message to a person’s name, interest, and past purchases.
- Customization : changing the delivered product or service based on a user’s preferences or priod behavior.
1. Ubiquity
Available just about everywhere, at all times. A unique feature of e-commerce technology.
2. Global Reach
The total number of users or customers an e-commerce business can obtain.
3. Universal Standards
Standards that are shared by all nations around the world.
4. Richness
The complexity and content of a message.
5. Interactivity
Technology that allows for two way communication between merchant and consumer.
6. Information Density
The total amount and quality of information available to all market participants.
7. Personalization/Customization
- Personalization : the targeting of marketing messages to specific individuals by adjusting the message to a person’s name, interest, and past purchases.
- Customization : changing the delivered product or service based on a user’s preferences or priod behavior.
There are a variety of different types of e-commerse and many different types of e-commerce and many different ways to characterize these types. For the most part, we distinguish different types of e-commerce by the nature of the market relationship-who is selling to whom. The exceptions are P2P and m-commerce, which are technology based distinctions.
1. Business to Consumer (B2C) e-commerce
The most commonly discussed type of e-commerce, in which online businesses attempt to reach individual consumers.
2. Business to Business (B2B) e-commerce
In which business focus on selling to other businesses, is the largest form of e-commerce, with about $800 billion in transactions in the
3. Consumer to Consumer (C2C) e-commerce
Provides a way for consumers to sell to esch other, with the help of an online market maker such as the auction site and eBay.
4. Peer to Peer (P2P) e-commerce
Use of peer to peer technology, which enables internet users to share files and computer resources directly without having to go through a central Web server, in e-commerce.
5. Mobile commerce (m-commerce)
Refers to the use of wireless digital devices to enable transactions on the Web.
The technology juggernaut behind e-commerce is the internet and the World Wide Web. The internet is a worldwide network of computer networks built on common standards. The internet links businesses, educational institutions, government agencies, and individuals together, and provides users with services sucs as e-mail, document transfer, newsgroups, shopping, research, instant messaging, music, videos, and news. The web provides access to an estimated 6 billion pages or documents created in a language called HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). These HTML pages contain information, including text, graphics, animations, and other objects, made available for public use.
For computer scientist and information technologies, E-commerce I was a powerful vindication of a set of information technologies that had developed over a period of forty years, extending from the development of the early internet to the PC, to local area networks.
For economists, e-commerce raised the realistic prospect of a perfect Bertrand Market ; where price, cost, and quality information is equally distributed, a nearly infinite set of suppliers complete against one another, and customers have access to all relevant market information worldwide.
For merchants, the cost of searching for customers would also fall, reducing the need for wasteful advertising.
For real world entrepreneurs, their financial backers, and marketing professionals in the e-commerce I period, the idea of friction free commerce was far from their own visions.
Thus, the E-commerce I period was driven largely by vision of profiting from new technology, with the emphasis on quickly achieving very high market visibility.
It is useful to think about e-commerce as involving three broad interrelated themes : technology, business and society
E-commerce is above all else a technologicallydriven phenomenon that relies a host of information technologies as well as fundamental concepts from computer science developed over a 50-year period.
E-commerce relies on all these basic technologies, not just the internet. The internet, while representing a sharp break from prior corporate computing and communications technologies, is nevertheless just the latest development in the evolution of corporate computing and part of the continuing chain of computer based innovations in business.
While the technology provides the infrastructure, it is the business applications, the potential for extraordinary returns on investment, that create the interest and excitement in e-commerce. New technologies change the strategies or plans existing firms : Old strategies are made obsolete and new ones need to be invented.
Since the internet and the web are exceptionally adept at tracking the identity and behavior of individuals online, e-commerce raises difficulties for preserving privacy, the ability of individuals to place limits on the type and amount of information collected about them, and to control the uses of their personal information. The global nature of e-commerce also posses public policy issues of equity, equal access, content regulation, and taxation.
Step 1. Menilai Teknologi dan Trend Permintaan (demand)
Keputusan untuk melakukan insourcing/outsourcing untuk setiap produk, proses, atau layanan harus dibuat secara relatif dan tidak berulang kali dalam artian : level kebutuhan investasi biasanya sangat penting, jumlah karyawan membutuhkan implementasi kerja yang efektif sebuah keputusan utama sangatlah mahal dan akan menimbulkan lead time yang lama yang berhubungan dengan implementasi/ pelaksanaan keputusan.
Efek/ pengaruh jangka panjang dari keputusan ini selama efek taktis jangka pendek dari keputusan melakukan insourcing/ outsorcing dalam keadaan baik maka keputusan harus mempertimbangkan tujuan dan kriteria yang subyektif. Semua aspek dari keputusan yang diambil selanjutnya harus dipertimbangkan dari berbagai macam perspektif, termasuk keuangan, operasional, perencanaan, teknologi teknis, pemasaran dan penjualan, serta pengadaan dan pembelanjaan (purchasing).
Gambar 7.2. Kandidat Pelayanan untuk Outsourcing
* Kekuatan kinerja-keamanan,penjagaan gedung (janitorial), dll * HMO
* Pelayanan informasi * MRO inventory
* Programming * Kegunaan (utility)
* Manajemen sumberdaya manusia * Pelayanan pengangkutan
* Pengadaan (procurement) * Buruh sementara
* Daftar gaji (payroll) * Outplacement
* Logistik third-party * Printing/copying
* Pelayanan kepuasan konsumen
Step 2. Menilai Jajaran Stategis dan Kompetensi Inti (core competencies)
Jajaran strategi (stategic alignment). Pada gambar 7.4. ditunjukkan bahwa proses perencanaan strategi harus mempertimbangkan rencana strategis untuk unit bisnis yang spesifik, seperti manufaktur/operasional, teknologi/keteknikan, dan sumberdaya yang strategis untuk digunakan. Beberapa pertanyaan yang harus dijawab pada tingkatan pengembangan adalah sebagai berikut :
Gambar 7.4. Jajaran Strategi melalui Perencanaan Bisnis
Step 3. Melakukan Analisis Biaya Total dari Alternatif Penerapan Insourcing/Outsourcing
Jenis biaya insourcing/outsourcing. Gambar 7.7 menunjukkan kategori berbeda yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam membuat pilihan terhadap insourcing/outsourcing. Elemen variabel cost yang pertama, menunjukkan bagian teratas dari biaya. Elemen total variabel cost secara langsung berhubungan dengan produk (barang) dan jenis tingkatan produksi.
Gambar 7.7. Biaya-biaya yang Termasuk ke dalam Insourcing
Elemen Total Biaya Variabel | ||
· Bahan baku · Variable fringes · Biaya alat | · Buruh · Biaya tak terduga · Overtime & premium | · Muatan terbatas · Suplai |
Elemen Total Biaya Pabrik (produksi) | ||
· Variabel cost total · Biaya ongkos tertentu (fees) · R&D · Buruh luar dan Fringes | · Biaya tetap tak terduga · Pajak properti · Iklan · Biaya bahan tidak langsung | · Biaya sewa bangunan · Gaji staf pendukung · Utilitas · Pemeliharaan (maintenance) |
Biaya operasional keseluruhan | ||
· Biaya total pabrikan · Penyusutan (depreciation) · Biaya alat | · Gaji eksekutif · Biaya transfer | · Administrasi korporat · Biaya komersial |